During this long cold winter
Looking into shadows
As they come and go
Is something I think
You should know
Shadows come
In many colors
But among all the others
You always find a blue
That’s what I’m telling you
When you look into
Winter shadows
You always find a blue
As the January day
Extends in length
The light softens
At the edges
And I look deep
Into the shadows
Where among
All the colors
I always find a blue
That’s what I’m telling you
When you look into
Winter shadows
You always find a blue
During winter more
Than any other time
Nature comes to you
Spare and uncovered
You look deep
Into her shadows
And there you discover
A rich world of color
And among all the others
You always find a blue
That’s what I’m telling you
When you look into
Winter shadows
You always find a blue

This one, I think I know what and why you are putting down but it works for me less than the others. The repetition distracted the read, but the way you describe the shadow is really well done. Hmmm.