Monday, August 6, 2018

What Carnal Love Is

It starts underneath
In the soles of our feet
That's what carnal love is
A ripple barely detectable
But steadily rising

Soon enough
It overcomes us 
Building sudden consensus
Among arms hips and legs
Achieving irresistible sway
This and that being perfectly matched
Synched to the ocean's heaving
Every molecule spinning
In its own graceful way

Straining higher
Until the amplitude
Quite suddenly
Exceeds our reach
And we become
The crashing wave
Hurtling forward
Onto the shoreline
Or the bedsheets
As the case may be

And when the wave
Has been spent
And the waters retreat
We feel the release 
Passing back through 
 The soles of our feet
Toes wriggling
Sands shifting
Now reattuned to
The gentle rippling

What carnal love is
With the perspective of age
More omphalic than phallic
Less urgent yet
Far more engaged

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