Saturday, August 4, 2018

Make of this Flower a Sun (for @User9870)

Make of this flower a sun
That speaks to a new scheme
Derivative of this soiled earth
A land of pure dream
Where nature holds
A mirror up to itself
Without need for
Human agency
To intervene

Rendi questo fiore un sole
Questo parla di un nuovo schema
Derivato di questa terra sporca
Una terra di puro sogno
Dove la natura tiene
Uno specchio a se stesso
Senza bisogno
Per l'agenzia umana

*  *  *  *  *

Came across this great image on twitter this morning posted by @User9870 - a lovely tribute to an early August morning when the sunflowers have inched a little bit higher and have begun to preside in full sway over the rest of the garden. 

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