Monday, January 2, 2012

The Theory and Praxis of Subscription Verse

My guess is that

If Proust was alive

And writing today

He would have

His very own Pod cast

I’ll bet you he would

I mean what better way

Is there to manage

All that endless badinage

About Madeleines

But what means of

Broadcast do you think

Would be most suitable

For an intermittent

And outcast poet

Such as me

Twitter I’m afraid

Just won’t do

And neither will

An email blast

Since in either case there’s nothing

Lasting about the impression being made

With the simple resort

Merely to click and send

Destiny accumulates slowly

As a tortoise builds its shell

So Cang Jie invented the scrivener's art

And I may learn it just as well

And here is the final stanza of the poem

as I have translated it into Chinese:

慢 慢 的 来

建 外 壳

相 同 方 式

仓 颉 会 写

也 我 可 学

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