Sunday, January 1, 2012

My New Marketing Plan -- 2012 Edition

Quite suddenly today

It all became clear

By which I mean to say

The general outline

Of this year’s revised

Marketing plan

With the outcome

Of things on planet Earth

Looking conjectural

By which I mean to say

Highly uncertain

From the market’s wild

Gyrations to the climate’s

Own tendency to greater

Extremes we seem intent upon

Creating such a deep market in

Extinction theories

But I remain resolute

In the commitment

To more and better

Tomorrows given the very

Form and substance of

My new marketing plan

You see

This year I am undertaking

The wholesale adoption

Of a subscription business model

Through which I seek to extract

Your commitment to stay with me

For at least one or two seasons

Of further tomorrows

With better rhymes

Still to come

So please click here if you wish

To receive the final stanza

Of this not quite complete

Subscription verse

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