Wednesday, May 3, 2017

In Grammar As in Life (part 3)

While meaning proliferates
In everything we do or say
(through words upon words
we long to improve
a hundred different ways)
It is silence that best
Reveals the Yin mystery 

Greater includes lesser
So better less said 
At work as at play
Metonymy being irrefutable
And undeniably beautiful
There's no greater beauty
Than silence that enfolds
The silence within

*  *  *  *  *  *

This is part of an ongoing series of poems I have written over the past few years.  ( You can read prior parts here and here.)   I'm not sure what these poems have in common beyond the title and the time of year in which they were written.  Today's poem was further prompted by the odd experience of visiting one of my old high schools - one of the several places I was expelled from in the course of my mis-spent youth, which may help you better understand at least part of what I was thinking about when I wrote these verses.

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