Thursday, September 15, 2016

A Passing Cloud (or envisioning my dissolution while en route to the dump)

En route to the dump this morning
I noticed a cumulus cloud
Close to the horizon
Unlike camel weasel or whale
It looked like the very replica
Of my cerebellum
Grey matter born aloft
By an onshore breeze
There it was adrift
Tufted by the wind
Frontal lobe and all
And slowly I watched it
Disperse to the four corners
As the engine of perception
Enjoyed a brief moment
Of self recognition
Part and parcel
Of its own undoing

*  *  *  *  *

A short explanatory note:  Am I depressed today?  Not really.  But somehow I do feel more connected to a deeper layer of reality - a layer on which self has been dispossessed of some of its ordinary creature comforts.  I can more clearly imagine my own undoing.  The usual self-delusions have been set aside and instead I'm feeling more detached. Perhaps this sort of detachment ends up being labeled as depression and thus it happens that spirituality of one sort or another may actually end up being diagnosed as a mental illness. 

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