Thursday, May 14, 2015

Poem for Frank

This poem was written in a moment of serendipity experienced at the neighborhood bank tonight on the eve of my 58th birthday. 

Tonight at the bank
A succession of signs
Presented themselves
In quite linear fashion

First the ATM wished me
Happy birthday which I found
Frightening enough that old
JP Morgan even knew or cared
Quite so much 

And the next thing I knew
JP was thrusting money at me
In a most peculiar way
More so than I could have
Ever hoped or imagined possible

And then to top it all off
He asked me if there
Was anything else he
Could help me with

At which point
I showed presence
Enough of mind 
To ask for at least
One more good year
For the both of us
My dear brother
No matter how
Outlandish a request
That may seem to be
To make at the bank

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