Friday, February 20, 2015

A Poem Explaining How it Came About I Saw Venus Riding Astride the Crescent Moon Tonight

Jill texted my wife 
And told us to go outside
And there we saw Venus and Mars
Riding astride the crescent moon

And Jill said to me --

   It looks like another
     Moon tonight as if
       Ours should be rising
           In the East

And I wondered for
A moment if perhaps
She might not be right
Because this resembled
No planetary alignment I'd ever
Seen before 

Only a blurry image could
Be captured even with 
A 35 millimeter camera

So this is
Where we're heading 
Distracted by
The bits and bytes  
Circling the globe
We’ve lost our grip
On the most basic
Things our forbearers
Were sure to have known

Like what
A tripartite sighting
Such as this actually foretold
Instead in our modern ignorance 
We must now wait for the greater
Mysteries still to unfold

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