Tuesday, June 17, 2014

An Evening in June Paddling my Kayak Homeward on Weesuck Creek

The sun is setting
Just ahead of
Of the starboard bow
If I let up paddling
For ten seconds
Or less a stiff north wind
Will push the boat
Around and back out
Towards Shinnecock
Inlet with all that
Such a name implies

But what
A peaceful night it is
With the egrets
Lined up along
The eastern shoreline
Wading out amidst 
The creek’s detritus
Knee deep into
The outrushing tide
For whatever hapless
Minnows may happen
Their way

But for me
The controls
Were set long ago
And here I am still
Going at it and paddling
As hard as I can
Straight into the heart
Of the living sun
The view out towards Shinnecock Inlet

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