Monday, September 3, 2012

For Sasha - My Almost Blind But Seeing Eye Dog

I’ve learned a lot
From Sasha
My nearly sightless bitch
By cataracts afflicted
And boon companion
For the last few years

When she heads
Out the front door
She hesitates not
The slightest bit
But onward she charges
To smell and bump
Into the world largely
Without regard
For all the terrible things
About to happen

And so too I should like to
Proceed about my business
With sight likewise occluded
Speaking not of the outer two
But solely of the inner eye
Through which vision is
But dim and intermittent
Yet not to be deterred
In the least from continuing
To bump and grope
My way about
Stout of heart for as
Long as I’m able

*  *  *  *  *

The Puritans fancied
We are all like
An old blind dog
Lying underneath
The blacksmith’s table
Oblivious to damnation
Even amidst the sparks and clangs
From each anvil burst

I see the simile too
Walking down the street
With Sasha as she bangs
Along cranium first
Knocking into lamp-posts
Scaffolding poles and
Hefty sac garbage bags
Piled high by the curb

It’s just how
An old blind dog
Navigates through
Life’s many dangers
Finding her way
And giving us
A clear glimpse
Of our own future

*  *  *  *  *

And I can see her 
As she stood outside
On the front lawn
Just the other day
Her muzzle cocked
Her coat riffling
In the breeze still
With a pure delectation of spring
Coursing through her veins

Sasha at rest


  1. Excellent! You are a master with words ....

  2. A master with words
    And slave to no one
    An anarchist at heart
    But ruled by the tongue
