Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blind to the World of Spirit

I wrote this poem early this morning. I wanted to post it quickly before having the chance to revise or disavow it.

Blind to the world of spirit
Only with eyes closed
Can the map's contours
Be discerned

How energy flows up
And out through
The crown of the head
Always rising and yet
Maintaining its own
Steady state

To know spirit
Is to know flesh and
Its dielectric constant
The permittivity of the possible

That love in every breath is
Made visible however
Limited in extent
In the chill morning air

Extension Cord by Brad Melamed

I love this image that my friend Brad Melamed posted to FB today.  This is part of recent series of work in which Brad has been exploring the connection between his hands and the rest of the world.  It seems like such a perfect drawing to accompany this poem - the permittivity of the possible - the idea could be more perfectly or cogently conveyed!

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